About Us

Hi, I am Miryam Aubert and I am the business owner of Au Pair Australia.

Au pair Australia was the first Au Pair Agency established in Sydney and has had the same owner for 15 years.

We place au pairs in main cities and towns Australia-wide.

A family owned and managed business. As you well know, we stand out by our values and this is why we do not charge upfront deposits and until our customers have found the ideal candidate as we want loyal customers, not locked customers. We offer the lowest fees in the Australian Market and we are not after your money, we simply want loyal customers that come back to us again time after time.

I am always talking around me about the Au Pair in Australia and answering questions, whether at the playground or the kids school, where in practice a lot of mums are trying to find out what to do about childcare or families who have already an Au Pair in Australia before and just have questions that come up throughout their stay.

I feel I have always hosted nice and professional au pairs, we had Marisol and Elsa from Chile, Alexia from Germany, between so many others, after working in this field for so many years and hosting a number of au pairs I feel I have a lot of practical experience to give to my customers, and lots of information that I can share, we put together some videos and top secrets to have a successful Au Pair stay, that can answer most of your questions but if you have any other questions about the Au Pair program please feel free to contact me on 0478 418 191.

I hope I can be a resource for you whether you are trying to figure out childcare options and consider an au pair or whether you have already welcomed an Au Pair in your family.

Au pair Australia is an Australian Business with overseas representation in Europe, with the aim to locate and place overseas Au Pairs in Australia. The owner of the business Au Pair Australia, Miryam Aubert has been an au pair herself at some stage of her life and besides her Au pair experience, she has previously employed au pairs and nannies. “As a mother of a 4 year old, I know it is so important to find the right candidate for our children, and on another hand we understand our Au pair’s dreams and fears travelling to a foreign country “

Our team is based in Australia and Europe. We therefore understand different points of view, and speak many languages such as French, Spanish and English, to locate and place au pairs with families in Australia

Our client’s safety, happiness, comfort and satisfaction are our main goals.

Families can mention any preferences about nationality, (if any), Au Pair’s age, driving and swimming skills. Our team will then do the best to find the right Au Pair match for you.

Nowadays childcare has become expensive, in Australia more than other countries, and mums need help with their children in their busy life to manage family and career, therefore, an Au pair that both takes care of the children and do light house work is highly valued !

Our difference:

  • No deposits or booking fees
  • No extra payments. Unlike other agencies, our placement fee is a one off payment
  • Our competitors have only 18 – 19 yrs old Au pairs, we have 18 – 26 yrs old au pairs
  • We are the only Au pair agency in Australia offering  an Online Aupair Course to your au pair before arriving to Australia, with information about security measures taking care of children, discipline, lunch preparation, etc. We have candidates from Canada, USA, UK, France, Italy, Norway, Germany and many other countries….