We provide each host family with a sample work schedule to complete with her daily weekly routine which may include;
– Wake up children and help them to dress for school and brush their teeth
– Make their bed and clean up their bedroom
– Prepare lunch and breakfast for the children
– Drive or walk children to and from school
– While children are having a nap or during school hours she can help with light housework
What other activities they do?
– The laundry of the children or vacuum
– Prepare nutritious snacks for the children on their arrival from school
– Drive children to after school activities and supervise their homework
– Bathing children, put pijamas on and supervise bedtime
Au pairs in Australia usually work from 30 and up to 45 hrs per week and they can offer one babysitting night per week where parents have the opportunity to relax and enjoy a night out.
After so many years of experience hosting au pairs at home for our own family, we have confirmed that the initial settling period is very important for both parties as they are for the first time away from their country and environment and may feel alone, for that your role is important in this initial period, we can always provide them with contact details of other au pairs and means like monthly meetings to get involved with other au pairs and improve the chances of a successful stay.
To help your au pair in this transition of time, you should include her as much as possible in family activities, and spend with her enough time in the first couple of weeks to get used to her new life, for this we suggest;
– Prepare a welcoming and pleasant room
– Give her a welcome pack
– Create an special occasion of her arrival
– Explaining your house rules and giving a tour of your area and how to get to public transport
– Providing her with a clear family handbook with her daily tasks and what you expect from her
– Offering a friendly environment
An important part of ensuring that your relationship with your au pair is successful is to treat them as an addition to the household. The success of the arrangement relies on flexibility and goodwill on both sides. Your au pair has come to Australia to experience a new culture and improve their language skills and will appreciate being spoken to in English and having their mistakes explained. It is a relationship which will strengthen in an environment of openness and understanding.