Find an Au Pair

How to register as host family

Families before filling in this FREE registration please make sure of the following:

  • You are able to provide a nice, clean, friendly environment to the Au Pair at all times of her stay and treat her as a family member, not as an employee. 

    How to register: Please download the form below and submit by email.

    A) Please click here to download the form as a Word Document 

    B) Please click here to download the form as a PDF

    sample of application

    We’ll be in touch with you today as soon as we receive it.

    Privacy Policy

    We are careful with your information. Your family profile is only shown to team members and to a limited number of prospective au pairs.

    We collect information from you that is relevant to the introduction process of au pairs to families, allowing us to introduce relevant prospects only.
    The information is only disclosed to selected members of our team and to relevant prospects for a limited duration. We will not disclose your information to other parties without your permission.