The Au pair Contract

What Host Families and Au Pairs Need to Know

The Au pair contract is a vital part of the Au pair placement process. This legal document ensures a clear understanding of responsibilities, expectations, and rights for both the Au pair and the host family.

It is designed to protect both parties, providing a framework for a successful and mutually beneficial relationship. This article delves into the key aspects of the Au pair contract.

Understanding the Purpose of the Au pair Contract

The Au pair contract serves as a roadmap for the entire Au pair experience. It outlines the responsibilities of the Au pair, the terms of the Au pair’s stay, working hours, compensation, and more.
The contract is designed to avoid misunderstandings and ensure both parties have a clear, shared understanding of what is expected.

Key Components of the Au Pair Contract

1.     Duties and Responsibilities: The contract should explicitly state the Au pair’s duties. These duties generally revolve around childcare and light housework related to the children, such as cleaning their rooms, doing their laundry, or preparing their meals.

2.     Working Hours and Time Off: The contract should clearly outline the Au pair’s working hours and their time off. it should state If there is a curfew the au pair needs to follow. In Australia, an Au pair typically works up to 30-40 hours a week, with at least two days off.

3.     Compensation: The contract must state the Au pair’s compensation. This usually includes a weekly pocket money, room and board, and sometimes extra benefits like a transportation allowance or contributions to language courses.

4.     Duration of Stay: The contract should specify the length of the Au pair’s stay. This can vary but is typically between six months to one year.

5.     Termination Conditions: The conditions under which the contract can be terminated should also be outlined, providing a plan for conflict resolution and, if necessary, termination of the contract.

6.     Insurance and Healthcare: Depending on the country’s requirements, the contract may also outline provisions for insurance and healthcare coverage.

7.     Confidentiality: To protect privacy, the contract may include a confidentiality clause, prohibiting the Au pair from sharing sensitive family information.

8.     Signature of both parties: Both the host family and the Au pair must sign the contract, indicating that they agree with all the terms and conditions.

Ensuring a Successful Contract

To ensure a successful contract, host families should discuss the contract in depth with their prospective Au pair before they arrive. It’s essential to be clear and honest about expectations, and always open to discussion and negotiation.

The Au pair contract is a fundamental aspect of the Au pair-host family relationship. By setting clear expectations and outlining responsibilities, it creates a solid foundation for a successful Au pair experience.
Remember, the aim of the contract is not just to formalise the arrangement, but to facilitate a smooth, harmonious living situation where both the Au pair and the host family benefit and enjoy their time together.